How do jurors reach their decisions? How does psychology study that process?
How do jurors reach their decisions? How does psychology study that process?
Fredrick, R., Mikesell, J., Otto, R., Boone, K., Beattey, R., Sweet, J., Krauss, D., & Scroppo, J. (2024). Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 55(3),179-196.
Peer reviewed commentary article: Forensic Psychologists Have Biases Too, and Lawyers Also Have Ethical Requirements (Krauss, D.), 189-191
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Krauss, D., Cook, G., Song, E., & Umanath, S. (2021). Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 27(3), 316-327.
Krauss, D. & Ellsworth, W. (2024). In M. Miller, L.Yelderman, M. Huss, & J. Cantone (Eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Legal Decision-Making. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (pp. 460-475).
Krauss, D.A., Cook, G.I., Umanath, S., & Song, E. (2022). Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 28(4), 595-615.
Krauss, D., Cook, G., Song, E., & Umanath, S. (2021). Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 27(3), 316-327.
Daniel Krauss
Claremont McKenna College
Department of Psychology
850 Columbia Ave.
Claremont, CA 91711-6420
Phone: 909-607-8504
Fax: 909-621-8419
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